Surface area and volume problems

Surface area and volume problems are very critical and outstanding this type are very important for students to get the best mark gain in the exam.
A solid is in the form of right circular con mounted on a hemisphere. The radius
of the hemisphere is 3.5 cm and the height of the come in 4 cm. The solid is placed in
cylindrical tub, full of water, in such a way that the whole sold is submerged in
water. If the radius of the cylindrical cubic same and its height is 10.5em, find the
volume of water left in the cylindrical tub. use 22/7.
On substituting we get
= 141.17 cm
volume of cylinder =
On substituting we get,
825 cm
volume of H2O left in the cylinder = 825 141.17
= 683.83 cm3